FY 2015 FCC Regulatory Fees Due September 24, 2015

Payment of annual FCC regulatory fees for FY 2015 (October 1, 2014 – September 30, 2015) is due by 11:59 PM Eastern Time on Thursday, September 24, 2015.

Regulatory fee information for FY 2015 may be found here. The specific fee assessed for each broadcast station may be found here. Unlike in previous years, separate fees for each auxiliary license, such as for remote pick-up stations and STLs, will no longer be collected.

Payment of regulatory fees must be initiated using Fee Filer, the FCC’s electronic filing and payment system, available at http://www.fcc.gov/fees/feefiler.html. Fee Filer allows for direct payment of fees by credit card. Licensees that prefer to pay regulatory fees by check, wire transfer, or other alternate method must still initiate fee filings using Fee Filer. However paid, all fees must be received by the FCC by September 24, 2015. There is no grace period for payment – all payments received after the deadline will be subject to an automatic 25% late fee.

If you have questions concerning the fee payment procedures or would like our assistance in preparing fee payment documentation, please contact our office.

Categories: Media