FCC Seeks Comments on Expanding Online Public File Requirements to Radio Stations

The FCC is currently seeking comments on a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking that would expand to broadcast radio stations the requirement to post and maintain local public inspection files on an Internet website hosted by the FCC. Television stations have been required to post their public inspection files online since 2012, and the NPRM proposes to apply the online posting rule to radio in much the same way it applies to television.

If adopted, the requirement would be “phased in,” much as it was for television: radio stations in the top 50 markets would be subject to the online posting requirement first, followed two years later by stations in smaller markets. Documents that are already filed electronically with the FCC, such as applications, will automatically be imported to the radio station’s online public file. Political files would only be uploaded on a “going forward” basis; older political file materials would not have to be uploaded.

Noncommercial radio stations and stations with fewer than five full-time employees would initially be exempted altogether from the online public file requirements.

Comments are due by March 16, and reply comments are due April 14. If you would like more information about the NPRM or would like to file comments in response to it, please contact any attorney in our office.

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