Immediate Action Required to Claim SESAC Refund

Commercial radio stations represented by the Radio Music License Committee (“RMLC”) in negotiations with SESAC have until Monday, March 26, 2018 to claim a retroactive refund of overpayments made to the music rights organization. The refund results from last year’s settlement agreement between the RMLC and SESAC that lowered the rates paid by commercial radio stations for SESAC-licensed music performed over the air and online in the years 2016-18. RMLC-represented stations are eligible to receive retroactive refunds for music performed beginning in 2016.

To claim a refund, a station must sign the SESAC blanket license covering the years 2016-18 and return the executed document to SESAC no later than this coming Monday, March 26, 2018. A copy of the license is available here. The signed license must be submitted to SESAC via email at

If you have any questions regarding the retroactive SESAC refund, please contact any attorney in our office.

Categories: Media