Mandatory Electronic Filing of CALEA SSI Plans Coming Soon

The FCC has issued an Order amending its rules to require electronic filing of new and updated System Security and Integrity Policies and Procedures (SSI Plans) under the Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act (CALEA). The updated rule will become effective 30 days after publication in the Federal Register.

Covered entities, including telecommunications carriers, facilities-based broadband internet access providers, and interconnected Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) providers will be required to file SSI Plans in the new CALEA Electronic Filing System (CEFS). Paper filings will no longer be accepted. Covered entities that already filed their SSI Plans by paper will not be required to re-file them electronically unless their SSI Plans need to be updated.

All providers subject to CALEA must file SSI Plans before beginning service and must file any updates within 90 days of changes to a filed plan.

If you have questions about filing CALEA SSI plans electronically, please contact an attorney in our Broadband, Spectrum, and Communications Infrastructure practice group.