Deadlines for First Quarter Issues Programs Reports and Annual KidVid Reports Extended to July 10, 2020

As we wrote about here, last week the FCC offered to waive some quarterly and annual report filing deadlines for radio and television stations that have been adversely affected by the coronavirus pandemic. Now, the FCC has issued blanket extensions of these deadlines.

The FCC has extended until July 10, 2020 the deadline for radio and television stations to place 1st Quarter 2020 issues programs reports in their online public inspection files. As a result, 1st and 2nd Quarter 2020 issues programs reports will now be due on the same date. The FCC also extended the first annual children’s television (“KidVid”) report filing deadline to that same date – July 10, 2020.

Even though the FCC moved the filing deadlines to July 10, it encourages broadcasters to file these reports “as soon as practicable.”

If you have questions about the reports or their filing deadlines, contact any attorney in our office.

Categories: Media